AdSpyglass is an ad management system and an ad networks mediation service. We help our publishers to effectively manage ad placements on their websites by selling traffic to ad networks and direct advertisers.
Generate Revenue by Combined Programmatic Ad Inventory
Only Direct Publishers
Find the very right audience for your offers
Push notification
In-video VAST
Slider VAST
Instant message
Direct link
You will have access to the unique inventory
Direct Webmasters Global
Unique Websites
Popunder Daily Impressions
Push Impressions per Day
Tube sites
File shares
Video hostings
Adult sites
URL shorteners
We have two types of partnerships with Ad Networks
Add your endpoint to our SSP Marketplace
Recommended for small and medium companies
available ad types
Push notific.
+ Easy integration with multiple publishers
+ Reduction of paperwork
+ One payment transfer
+ The personal manager helps you to optimize the supply
Participate in the Ad mediation
Recommended for large DSPs
available ad types
Push notific.
In‑video VAST
Slider VAST
Instant message
Direct link
+ Eliminate intermediaries
+ Agreed unique terms of delivery for each publisher
Provide us with the first XML/JSON RTB feed for one of the suggested ad types: Video, Push Notification, PopUnder.
Please make sure that you are supporting basic requirements
· CPM model · Store statistic by traffic sources (sub_ids) · Real-time reports by API · Timezone – UTC · Separate feeds for aggressive and Google Chrome friendly ads
Supply Needs
Tell us more information about the inventory you're expecting to receive through this feed: Content Types, Geo, Devices, Prices.
Please disable your AdBlock to ensure stable functioning of our system. We're not showing any ads to our customers. However, Adblock can severely affect your user experience with AdSpyglass.